How to create a social media marketing plan?
Social Media Marketing has became important in very few years. Today, it is hard to find any business who don’t use social media as a marketing tool. But to make sure that you will get benefit from social media marketing, you have to work according to a plan. Now the main question arises that how to create a social media marketing plan? Well, the answer is given below. Follow the given below steps and you will be able to create a social media marketing plan.
1. Your first work is to check your own position. Where are you standing now. You must check some areas like-
I) Currently, on which network you are active on
II) Is your network optimized?
III) How do your profile is compared to that of your competitors.
IV) Most important, which network is bringing you the most value.
You have to get the answers of all these questions.
2. Now you have to identify who your ideal customer is. It is very important for you to identify your customers. You will not get any benefit if you are marketing to the wrong audience. You have to make sure that you are marketing to the right audience. To do so, take into consideration the following factors.
I) Age.
II) Location.
III) Income.
IV) Job title.
V) Points that your business can solve.
VI) Most used social network.
It is important for you to find the correct answers of these questions. Remember, as mentioned above, you will get nothing more than failure if you are marketing to the wrong audience.
3. Your next work is to create a social media mission statement. This will help you in focusing on your goals and objectives. It also helps in reflecting your brand’s identity. You should keep in mind your ideal customers when you are creating this statement. If you don’t decide what your goal is then you will never be able to achieve success.
4. If you are putting a lot of effort then it is obvious that you want positive results. But how will you check if your efforts on social media marketing is successful or not? Your main motive is not to just attract customers but also make money from them. It is obvious that you will feel useless to spend time and money on something that don’t serves you. Some factors that you should check are-
I) Conversion rate.
II) Time spent on website.
III) Total shares.
IV) Brand mentions.
5. Now you have to start creating content. Many people jumps straight to this step. But after reading this, you will know that there are many steps before creating content. Now you know who your ideal customer is. With it, create a content. You will find it easy to create a content after knowing who your ideal customer is. Given below are some examples on which you can create content.
I) Images.
II) Videos.
III) Blog Post.
IV) eBooks.
V) Interviews.
There is a big list of content. But you should choose that form of content that is related to your mission statement.Your content must be of high quality that is able to attract customers.
6. There are many marketers that uses social media management tool to boost their productivity. You have to do the same. This will reduce your efforts.
7. Your last work is to check your work. This is the most important step because even the best social media marketers choose to do so. You have to check your work and if you find any mistake, correct it.
Now your social media marketing plan is ready.