What should I pay for SEO services?

Today, SEO has became important for every business who goes online to promote their products and services. You can do SEO either by yourself or you can hire a SEO agency. Hiring a SEO agency is a better option if you can afford to pay them because they are professional and has experience in this field. But do you know what should you pay to SEO agency? What amount you have to pay? Well, the answer is given below. Here you will get how much is the prices for hiring a SEO service and also what are the factor on which the price depends. Before knowing prices, it is important to know what are the factors on which it depends. The factors includes- 1. One time project or ongoing relationship. 2. Targeted market. 3. Size of the firm. Now we come to the prices. You can pay for SEO services on monthly basis, project pricing or hourly basis. First we come to monthly prices. If you are hiring the firm on a monthly basis then the price depends on the size of your target market. If it is a small one then you have to pay between $250 to $500. On the other hand, if your business targeting a large market but it is limited geographically by the nature then you have to pay around $700 to $1,500. If your target market is regional, national or international then it may charge between $2,000 to $6,000 per month. Last, if you own a national or international campaign then you have to pay $10,000 or more. Next comes the project pricing. Project Pricing is classified into two categories- I) Basic SEO audit. Doing basic SEO audit can take 5-10 hours for the SEO firm. Cost generally varies between $600 to $2,000. II) Detailed SEO audit. It costs around $3,000 to $20,000. Last category is the hourly price. SEO firms charge for hourly basis ranges between $76 and $200. Sometimes, there are some high ending agencies that charges $500 or more. This is the range of prices. Now you have to decide what suits you best. Go for that one.

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