The term “black hat” itself shows that it is something wrong. Well, the black hat SEO is the using of wrong methods and techniques to get a higher rank in the search results page. It is obvious that every individual that creates a website wants it to be at a higher rank so that people may come to know about it. These black hat techniques are used by those who wants higher rank rapidly. Not only these people makes user experience worst but also breaks search engine’s rules by following these methods.
Some of the black hat techniques include :
1. Use of unrelated keywords.
2. Keywords Stuffing.
3. Hidden text.
4. Page Swapping.
5. Social Networking Spam.
6. Article Spinning.
7. Gateway Pages (also known as Doorway Pages).
8. Paid Links.
9. Cloaking.
10. Duplicate Contents.
As mentioned above, people following these methods breaks rules of search engines. Thus, if they are caught by the search engines, they are penalized. Their sites are either given a lower rank or it is blocked. Therefore, it is better for you to focus on using white hat techniques rather than black hat techniques.