How to stop black hat seo?
We all know that what will be the consequences of using black hat SEO techniques. So the better option is to avoid it. You can also stop black hat SEO techniques in your website or you can remove it from your site if anyone has started a negative SEO campaign against you. Follow the given below points and your site will be free from black hat SEO techniques. 1. Check if there are any doorway page on your site. A doorway page is a page rich in keywords with poor in contents. So visitors will not be satisfied with the content of your website. And if Google comes to know about it, your site may be blocked. So it is better to remove those pages. Removing door pages itself means that you are stopping black hat SEO as those pages are a method of black hat SEO. 2. Create a list of backlinks which is added to your site recently. Check and include in the list those links that are of low quality. Those low quality links are a sign of black hat SEO. You may get penalized for that. Also remove those links that are not related to the information on your site. It is your duty to check and remove those links that are harmful for your website. 3. Check in your site if there are any hidden or invisible text present. Make them visible if there is presence of such text. You can change the color of text, if it is same as that of background, to make it visible. If the font size is zero then change it to some other size. Also, remove all those keywords that are not related to your website, if they are present on your site. In short, you have to check for what black hat SEO techniques are present on your site and remove all of them.

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