There are several black hat SEO methods that you should avoid if you want to be in the competition for a long time. These methods include Use of wrong keywords, hidden text, social networking spam, article spinning and gateway pages.
1. Use of wrong or unrelated keywords. People use keywords in their content or some other place at the site to increase their site rank. But some of them uses keywords that are not related to them. They just do that in order to increase their visibility. This will help them achieve higher rank in the search page. For instance, you have a jewelry website but you are using pizza restaurant, indian restaurant etc. That are related to restaurant websites and has to do nothing with the jewelry website. This is a black hat SEO technique.
2. Another technique of black hat SEO is hidden text. Hidden text is any text that is not visible to the visitors but they are visible to the search engine spiders. There are many ways of hiding text in the website. You can use text color same as that of background or you can font size of that text to zero. These will help you in hiding text. Now, as mentioned above these texts are not visible to users but search engine spiders easily catches it. So whenever the search is made related to that hidden text, these sites are produced as the results to the searcher.
3. Social Networking Spam is another way used by many site holders to increase their site rank rapidly. It does not mean that posting links to the social media is a black hat SEO technique. But if you are continuously sending links to people in social media comments or messages without including any important information is a black hat SEO technique. It is considered black hat by the search engines. If you are spamming people with a link to your website then you are obviously wearing a black hat.
4. Now comes another black hat technique. It is Article Spinning. Undoubtedly, updating contents on your website is a good practice. But if the contents are written badly and don’t gives any information to the user, you are using a black hat technique. Article Spinning is a method of producing fresh contents. It uses a software that takes a single article and writes many other different articles from it. These articles produced are written in a very bad manner and it does not provide any information to the visitors. Hence, it is considered as a black hat technique which site holder use just for increasing its site rank.
5. Gateway Pages ate those pages that are rich in keywords with a poor content. These pages are made just to play tricks with the search engines. These pages are not prepared with any intention to provide any information to users. They are made just to get a higher rank in the results page. As these pages are rich in keywords, search engine produce it as a result to you whenever the search related to those keywords are made.
These are the black hat SEO techniques. There are also many more such techniques. But remember using all these techniques will provide you good results only for a short time. Once the search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) catches you then you will be penalized. Thus, I strongly recommend you to avoid use of such techniques. For further any information, please visit our website.