White hat SEO techniques refer to the use of techniques that are approved by search engines. You can do white hat SEO by using techniques given below.
1. First method of doing white hat SEO is to use quality content in your website. We all have heard that “ content is king”. It is true. Content is something that represents your website. It is something that tells visitors about your site. Now if content is not of good quality then people will not like it and thus, they will leave your site. So, take care to write quality content.
2. Secondly, make research for keywords by which people can search for you. You have to be very careful doing this as this will help in presenting your site as a result when searched. If you are not getting correct keywords, you will not be displayed to the searcher as a result for its search. Once you have searched and found all the keywords, place it in your website. Place 2-3 keywords in every page of your website. You can use keywords in the following places :
I) Title
II) Heading Elements.
III) Meta description.
IV) Text
V) Links.
There are also many other places where you can use these keywords.
3. Last you can use quality inbound links. You should place links to other sites that contains information related to that of your site. You must confirm that the quality of the links is good otherwise visitors will not like it.
These are the ways following which you are doing white hat SEO.