How to do link building in SEO?
Link building refers to a process of getting external pages to link to a page on your website. It is one of the many tactics used in search engine optimization. It is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. Search engines use links to crawl the web. For SEO companies link building is the hardest job as per known so far. Here are some basics of how a link is created: • Start of link tag- also known as anchor tag, this opens the link tag and tells search engines that a link to something else is about to follow. • Link referral location- this could be the address of an image or a file to download. • Visible/anchor text of link- this text is highlighted in a different way. It is that little text that appears on the page and which can be easily seen by the visitors who want to open the link. The text is usually formatted in a way to make it stand out from the other surrounding texts. It’s often blue in color. • Closure of link tag- this signals the end of the link tag to the search engines.

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