How to charge for SEO service?
It is obvious that you are going to do SEO service for someone else then you are going to charge for it. But the main problem is how to charge for SEO service? I came across this question a number of times. Well, here is the answer to the question.
There are several options for charging for SEO services. For instance, you can charge on monthly basis, charge based on a project or hourly basis. As the name suggests, monthly charging means you are going to charge for your service every month. The price of monthly basis are further categorized in four categories.
I) If you are owing a small business then you have to pay around $250-$500.
II) If your business is geographical in nature but you target a large audience then you have to pay between $700 to $1,500.
III) The business whose target market is regional, national or international then you have to pay $2,000 to $6,000.
IV) If you are owing a national or international campaign then you have to pay more than $10,000.
Second comes the project pricing. Now if you want the SEO company to do a basic SEO audit for you then you a have to pay around $600 to $2,000. On the other hand, if you want the agency to do detailed SEO audit then it will cost you between $3,000 to $20,000.
Last comes the hourly basis. Here you have to pay around $76 to $200 per hour. I have also come across some companies that charges more than $500 per hour for their services.