How much do SEO services cost?

Search Engine Optimization is not the cost. Rather it is the investment. You get your benefits afterwards. But if you want to get benefits from SEO then it is important that you invest today. What? You don’t know the prices of SEO service? No problem. I will tell you what SEO service will cost you. But before that you should know about the factor on which SEO service cost depends. These are - 1. Whether it is one time project or ongoing relation. 2. Target market. 3. Size of the firm. Now we come to prices. You can pay on hourly basis or monthly basis. You have to pay on the basis of whether it is one time project or it is ongoing relation. If you are going to pay on the monthly basis then the price depends on your company size. If you are owning a small business then you have to pay between $250-$500. On the other hand, if your business is geographical in nature but it targets a large audience then it may cost you around $700-$1,500. If your target market is regional, national or international then it costs you $2,000 to $6,000. Last, if it is a national or international campaign then it costs $10,000 or more. Second comes the project pricing. In this case, the price of SEO service entirely depends on the project for which you have hired the agency. If it is the basic SEO audit then it may cost you from $600 to $2,000.On the other hand, if it is detailed SEO audit then it may cost you around $3,000 to $20,000. If you have hired the SEO service on hourly basis, you have to pay $76 to $200 per hour. I have also seen some cases where the agencies, being the high end firm, costs more than $500 per hour. You have to determine what are your needs and then you have to choose. You must know what is the size of your business and whether you want the agency for a project or you are going to maintain a ongoing relation. Then you will be able to know what price you have to pay.

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