How to create a mobile app for android?
You can create mobile app for android using the Android Studio. To do so, follow the given steps.
Step 1 - Install the Android Studio.
Step 2 - Now start the Android Studio and open a New Project.
Step 3 - Then edit the welcome message in the Main Activity.
Step 4 - After editing the welcome message, add a button to the Main Activity.
Step 5 - Then open a new Activity and name it Second Activity.
Step 6 - In this step, you have to write the onClick method of the button which you added to the Main Activity.
Step 7 - Now your work is to test your app. This is the most important work as here you check if your app is working properly or not.
After that you can launch your app in the market.
Please contact us to know more about the ways of creating an Android mobile app.